A Future
A Hope
A Dream
A Vision
A Purpose

"There is no greater satisfaction than working together with the team towards empowering the vulnerable to find purpose for an abundant life."

Our Signature Programmes

What's New

🚀 Looking for exciting new job opportunities? Join us at the Inclusive Careers & Skills Fair 2024, organised by @ilovee2i and @hcsa_academy!

Meet employers who are committed to inclusive hiring and explore available jobs in Food Services, Lifestyle & Entertainment, and Social Services.

Don`t miss out! Register now via the link in our bio! 🔗👆

#HCSAAcademy #E2i #InclusiveCareersSkillsFair2024 #SingaporeJobFair

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Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha from all of us at HCSA Community Services! ✨

May your day be filled with joy and togetherness, as we continue to share our gratitude and blessings with our loved ones and the community around us.


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From struggling with his past to embracing fatherhood, Syed found his turning point as a student at HCSA Academy. Now, as a father, he is determined to create a different future for his daughter — one filled with love, support, and endless possibilities ✨

We wish Syed all the best on this new journey, and a Happy Father`s Day to him and all fathers out there ❤️

Read more about his journey, link in our bio!

#FathersDay #StoriesofHope

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We hope this day brings you peace and compassion. ✨

From all of us at HCSA Community Services, we extend warm wishes to everyone celebrating. May your path be illuminated with wisdom and harmony.


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Wishing you unwavering strength and boundless love this Mother`s Day from all of us at HCSA Community Services. To all the resilient mothers out there, your courage inspires us every day. 💐

Click the link in our bio to read "A Single Mother’s Journey of Grit and Unwavering Love", and discover Diana`s* inspiring story on raising her children single-handedly, overcoming challenges, finding support and pursuing her goals.

*Name has been changed to protect client’s privacy.

#HappyMothersDay #StoriesofHope

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We want to take this opportunity to thank all our incredible staff and volunteers this Labour Day! 🙌

We are immensely grateful for your heart work in serving the needs of our clients and alumni. 🥰 Have a good rest everyone!

#labourday #teamHCSA

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A Second Chance to Thrive in Life

Gabriel’s past was marked by difficulties and challenges, as he was being surrounded by negative peer influence. Despite having gone to prison for a total of seven times, the pivotal...

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Awards & Accolades



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