HCSA Community Services Re-Certified to Provide Trauma Systems Therapy
06Mar3:12 AM3:12 AMHCSA Community Services Re-Certified to Provide Trauma Systems Therapy

Event Details
HCSA Community Services is humbled to be re-certified by NYU Langone Health to provide Trauma Systems Therapy in HCSA Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre. One of three Therapeutic Group
Event Details
HCSA Community Services is humbled to be re-certified by NYU Langone Health to provide Trauma Systems Therapy in HCSA Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre. One of three Therapeutic Group Homes in Singapore, our Residential Treatment Centre cares for teenage girls who have experienced complex trauma from repeated abuse and profound neglect.
Complex trauma results in our residents having severe and persistent difficulties managing their behavioural or emotional responses, despite support from the community. They may resort to negative coping mechanisms such as self-harm, avoidance, substance abuse or aggressive behaviour, affecting their safety and well-being. The adverse experiences that our residents have faced in their formative years has a lifelong impact on their development, including reduced social skills, poor school performance and mental health issues.
Trauma Systems Therapy is a model of care for young trauma survivors, that addresses both their emotional needs as well as contextual factors in their social environment that may trigger traumatic stress reactions. The Trauma Systems Therapy Training Center in NYU Langone Health’s NYU Grossman School of Medicine is the primary centre in the world to train agencies to establish and sustain trauma-informed care guided by Trauma Systems Therapy principles. When an organisation is ready to implement Trauma Systems Therapy independently, they are offered a certification assessment.
“HCSA Community Services is honoured to first achieve Trauma Systems Therapy certification in August 2020, and have our programme certification renewed in March 2024,” said HCSA Community Services CEO Kim Lang Khalil. “It takes a village to journey alongside young trauma survivors, and our care team helps them develop positive coping skills within a safe and healing environment, and support in managing their trauma reminders. The certification is a testimony to our team’s dedication and professionalism in helping our residents become healthy individuals who can successfully re-integrate into their schools, families and society. Congratulations to our ten colleagues who are also certified!”