Radio Interview on 96.3好FM

12Mar5:12 PM6:12 PMRadio Interview on 96.3好FM

Event Details

Thank you 96.3好FM for the opportunity to share our story on the important work being done at HCSA Dayspring to support teenage girls who have gone through complex trauma ❤️

Our CEO Kim Lang Khalil shares how Dayspring equips residents with positive coping skills in response to their trauma triggers. Additionally, therapy support is extended to the residents’ families, facilitating reconciliation sessions as well.

OWENA alumna Ting Ting (name changed to protect her privacy) recounts her journey as a former resident, rooted in the pain of her parents often not being present and having experienced sexual abuse when she was younger.

When Ting Ting entered Dayspring, she initially had little willpower to become better. However, with the love and patience of her care team, she gradually found a sense of belonging. Ting Ting echoes Kim Lang’s sharing that therapy has guided her towards re-integration back into her family.

Join us in spreading awareness of complex trauma and support for trauma survivors! Tune into the full conversation or share it with your friends



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