About HCSA Academy
A shared vision by two culinary enthusiasts on HCSA Community Services’ Board in 2016, Tony Lim and Dominique Choy, led to the conceptualisation of a centre that would provide culinary and career skills training, and facilitate job placement, for vulnerable individuals looking to sustain a career in the F&B industry. Launched in 2018, HCSA Academy is an Approved Training Organisation certified by SkillsFuture Singapore. We offer the WSQ Higher Certificate in Food Services (Culinary Arts), which provides ex-offenders and other at-risk individuals a new lease of life and a level playing field to support themselves and their families.
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Low-Income Vulnerability
Lower-wage workers and their families in Singapore live on the fringe of an increasingly competitive and expensive city. They grapple with having to work long hours and uncertain career advancement opportunities. Their ability to provide lifestyle choices for their family is limited by their income and disproportionately impacted by soaring costs.
Lower-wage workers earning under $2500 may experience unfavourable working conditions, limited job security and inadequate work protections. They are likely to be older, lower educated and working in industries such as transportation and storage, administrative and support services, and food and beverage services. The primary issues that concern them are the lack of public respect for their work, stagnant or insufficient wage growth and the lack of awareness or opportunity to pursue training and career progression (NTUC, 2023).
Our Impact in FY2023
Student Care
HCSA Academy adopts a social enterprise model and follows a holistic adult pedagogy to prepare F&B professionals who are workplace-ready. Through skills training, a nationally recognised qualification and job placement, we help our graduates secure gainful employment to provide for themselves and their families.
We must do more to tilt the scales and narrow the wage gaps across professions. Mindset shifts alone cannot effect societal change. The types of jobs in our economy, levels of job remuneration and career prospects across various industries must also be consistent with what we value. In addition, in a rapidly changing economy, we need to help Singaporeans take ownership of their careers and better seize opportunities to match their skills and aspirations across different seasons of life.
Forward SG Report 2023