About STEP UP Mentorship

STEP UP Mentorship is a whole-of-community approach designed to support trauma survivors and ex-offenders in their longer-term after-care needs and sustained re-integration in the community through access to:

  • Networking opportunities to widen their circle of friends
  • Exposure to new and different perspectives
  • Opportunities for personal growth and development

Since the launch of our mentorship initiative in 2022, we have matched more than 70 volunteers from 12 corporates across various sectors with close to 50 trauma survivors and ex-offenders supported by HCSA Community Services and our fellow Social Service Agencies. We are grateful to A&O Shearman for being a key sponsor and partner of STEP UP Mentorship since its inception.

Aside from mentorship, career-ready workshops are also designed and offered to our mentees to provide upskilling. These workshops are supported by corporate volunteers from Procter & Gamble who use their expertise and skills to offer practical assistance in areas such as HR, Branding, Marketing, Business Development and Legal.

Community Partners

A&O Shearman, Procter & Gamble, Tan Chin Tuan Foundation

Year Started


Supported Social Causes

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or Corporate Volunteer?

My mentors express and spoke about their families, children, friends, their work, and their aspirations. I could sense, feel and see a certain sparkle in their eyes, and I realised that this was their “high”. They — Shay & Rindo — may not realise, but they have made a significant impact on my never-ending journey towards recovery.

Signing up for this mentorship was one of the best decisions I've made recently - thanks to the STEP UP team who assured me no dream was too big, and my mentors who supported me every step of the way.

At work, when it gets busy with many deadlines looming, I often think about my mentee’s resilience and dedication to his job and counselling responsibilities, and that is often enough to motivate me to continue working hard and pursue my own professional goals.

(My greatest breakthrough in this mentorship journey has been in) helping my mentee to see hope and purpose in her situation. Now she knows what she wants to do for her future.



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