Emotional Wellness Coach and trainer, Eunice Gan, volunteers at HCSA Dayspring SPIN and conducts talks for single parents on diverse wellness topics.
With her keen interest in social issues, National University of Singapore (NUS) undergraduate, Aderyn Kang, has been volunteering with HCSA Highpoint Halfway House since December 2018.
A final year undergraduate at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Rachel Tay, started her volunteering journey with HCSA in 2020 and is usually involved in events and short-termed projects.
Nathelie, a single mother to two boys, works tirelessly to provide for her family and inculcates the value of kindness through leading by example.
As a passionate advocate for mental health, Er Wei Ting co-founded Prompts.co, a social enterprise centered around the promotion of mental health and wellness to help youths like the vulnerable girls at HCSA Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre (DRTC).
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world in 2020, Ashima found herself reflecting on what she wanted to do more of what kept her happy. At present, Ashima is an active volunteer at HCSA to help support our vulnerable communities in Singapore.
Under the loving care of HCSA Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre (DRTC) staff, Chelsea* learnt how to live a meaningful, productive life in spite of her painful experiences.
Once a recipient of HCSA Dayspring Residential Treatment Centre, a Therapeutic Group Home for girls who have suffered the complex trauma of abuse and/or neglect, Rachel* hopes to eventually pay it forward one day.
Achieving the WSQ Higher Certificate in Food Services (Culinary Arts) at HCSA Academy brought Tau Choon one step closer to his goals and aspirations.